




承担课程 认知心理学、生理心理学、心理学研究方法、实验心理学、认知神经科学、心理实验设计与编程

邮 箱 psychoxiaofeng@163.com




l 2003/9 - 2007/6,西南大学,应用心理学,学士,导师:张志杰

l 2007/9 - 2010/6,西南大学,发展与教育心理学,硕士,导师:李红

l 2010/9 - 2013/6,西南大学,发展与教育心理学,博士,导师:李红

l 2014/6-至今, 山西师范大学,教育科学学院,副教授,硕士生导师


l 国家自然科学基金青年项目,31800955,关系复杂性调节数学规则学习的认知及其发展神经机制,27万,2019/01- 2021/12,结题,主持;

l 山西省哲学社会科学规划课题,2020YJ087,和弦与数列的比较:审美判断与数学直觉的关系,1万,2020/10- 2021/10,在研,主持;

l 山西省高等学校哲学社会科学研究项目,2020W055,注意线索对自动观点采择的作用:行为和ERP研究,1万,2021/05-2022/05,结题,主持;

l 山西省应用基础研究计划项目,01801D221261,递归结构调节观点采择的认知发展神经机制,3万,2018/12- 2020/12,结题,主持;

l 大学基础研究基金项目,ZR1615,关系复杂性调节数学规则学习的认知神经机制,10万,2016/11-2018/11,结题,主持;

l 省高等学校哲学社会科学研究一般项目,2017243,关系复杂性调节数学规则学习的认知神经机制, 2017/5-2019/5,1.5万,结题,主持;

l 国家自然科学基金青年项目,31070985,假设形成与检验的认知神经机制,2011/01-2013/12,28万,结题,参加;

l 西南大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金,SWU1109086,数列归纳推理的神经机制,2012/09-2013/06, 0.5万,结题,主持;

l 国家自然科学基金青年项目,31100740,类概念层级关系加工的发展认知神经机制研究,2012/01-2014/12,21万元,结题,参加。


l Xiao Feng, Wang Zhi-Dong, Yuan Shang-Qing, Liang Kun, Chen Qing-Fei. (2022). Relational integration predicted numerical inductive reasoning: ERP evidence from the N400 and LNC. Psychophysiology.00:e14046. (SSCI一区)

l Chen Qing-Fei, Xiao Feng, Liu Yan, Liang Xiuling. (2022). P3 and positive slow waves reveal the processing of temporal proximity in associative judgment. Current Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-021-02628-0 (通讯作者;SSCI一区)

l Xiao Feng, Sun Tie, Cai Xue-Li, Chen Qing-Fei. (2020). Task relevance effect on number/shape conflict detection in the number-matching task: An ERP study. Acta Psychologica, 208. (SSCI四区)

l Liang Xiuling, Xiao Feng, Zhu Yuxi, Lei Yi. Chen Qingfei. (2020). How types of prior knowledge and task properties impact the category-based induction: diverging evidence from the P2, N400, and LPC effects. Biological Psychology, 107951.(共同第一作者;SSCI一区)

l Xiao Feng, Sun Tie, Qi Senqing, Chen Qingfei. (2019).The Common and Distinct Brain Responses to Detecting Top-Down and Bottom-Up Conflicts underlying Numerical Inductive Reasoning. Psychophysiology,00:e13455. (SSCI一区)

l Xiao Feng, Chen Qingfei, Long Changquan, & Li Hong. (2018). The Rule Expectancy Effect on the Electrophysiological Correlates underlying Numerical Rule Acquisition. Neuroscience Letters. 665:252-256. (SCI 三区)

l Xiao Feng, Li Peng, Long Changquan, Lei Yi, & Li Hong. (2014). Relational complexity modulates activity in the prefrontal cortex during numerical inductive reasoning: An fMRI study. Biological psychology, 101(0), 61-68. (SSCI一区)

l Qin Jialan, Xiao Feng, Li Fuhong., Sha Wenju, & Li Hong. (2009). The characteristic of extrapolation in numerical inductive inference: An ERP study. Brain research, 1295, 142-148. (共同第一作者;SCI 三区)

l Sun Tie, Yuan Shangqing, Xiao Feng.(2022). The brain responses to the gating opening mechanism on perceptual and conceptual mismatches in the 1-back matching task. NeuroReport. 33(17),771-776. (通讯作者,SCI四区)

l 李艺,肖风.(2021).自动观点采择:内隐心智化与潜心智化的争议.心理科学进展.29(9):1-14. (通讯作者;CSSCI)

l 刘鸿燕,肖风.(2021).经典类比训练与场认知风格影响问题类比推理.心理研究.14(5),411-417.(通讯作者;CSSCI 扩展版)

l 李艺,邓怡洁,肖风.(2021).自我损耗对道德伪善的影响.心理研究.14(2):177-183. (通讯作者;CSSCI 扩展版)

l 孙铁,袁上清,李艺,肖风.(2019).推理偏差:冲突察觉还是冲突抑制的失败?心理学探新. 40(1):47-53.(通讯作者;CSSCI)

l 袁上清,孙铁,郑鹭鸣,肖风.(2018).应激对不同动态条件的内隐时间特征的作用.心理技术与应用,6 (09):35-40.(通讯作者;国家级刊物)

l 肖凤,李红,龙长权,陈庆飞,王荣燕, 李富洪. (2012).归纳推理的认知神经机制.心理科学进展, 20(8), 1-9. (CSSCI)

l 武晓菲,肖风,罗劲. (2022). 创造性认知重评在情绪调节中的迁移效应及其神经基础. 心理科学进展, 30(3), 477-485.

l Liang Xiuling, Xiao Feng, Lei Yi, Li Hong, & Chen Qingfei. (2020). N400/frontal negativity reveals the controlled processes of taxonomic and thematic relationships in semantic priming for artifacts. Psychophysiology, 57(2),e13486.(SSCI一区)

l Sun Mingze, Xiao Feng, & Long Changquan. (2019). Neural Oscillation Profiles of a Premise Monotonicity Effect During Semantic Category-Based Induction. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 13, 338.(SCI二区)

l Liang Xiuling, Xiao Feng, Wu Lijun, Chen Qingfei, Lei Yi, & Li Hong. (2016).The Temporal Order of Word Presentation Modulates the Amplitudes of P2 and N400 during Recognition of Causal Relations. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 1890. (SSCI一区)

l 张志杰, 肖凤, 黄希庭. (2010). 不同动态条件下的内隐时间特征. 心理科学, 33(3), 540-543. (CSSCI)

l Li Fuhong, Cao Bihua, Gao Xuemei, Xiao Feng, Qing Jialan, & Li Hong. (2009). Temporal course and the electrophysiological correlates of hypothesis testing as revealed in a modified category induction task. Brain research, 1301, 61-67. (SCI 三区)


² 2019年山西省高等学校研究优秀成果奖二等奖


² 山西省第十一次社会科学研究优秀成果奖优秀奖

² 2016级研究生袁上清、2018级研究生李艺均获省级优秀毕业论文

² 2015级研究生孙铁、2016级研究生袁上清、2018级研究生李艺均继续攻读博士学位