


蒋莹 博士




2017年9月-2021年7月,北京师范大学心理学部 发展心理学专业,博士

2014年9月-2017年7月,首都师范大学教育学院 应用心理专业,硕士

2009年9月-2013年7月,北京师范大学珠海分校教育学院 应用心理学专业,学士



1. Jiang, Y., Ming, H., Tian, Y., Huang, S., Sun, L., Li, H. J., & Zhang, H. (2020). Cumulative risk and subjective well-being among rural-to-urban migrant adolescents in China: Differential moderating roles of stress mindset and resilience. Journal of Happiness Studies, 21(7), 2429-2449.

2. Jiang, Y., Zhang, J., Ming, H., Huang, S., & Lin, D. (2019). Stressful life events and well-being among rural-to-urban migrant adolescents: The moderating role of the stress mindset and differences between genders. Journal of Adolescence, 74, 24-32.

3. Jiang, Y., Fu, R., & Xing, S. (2019). The effects of fantastical television content on Chinese preschoolers’ executive function. PsyCh Journal, 8(4), 480-490.

4. Zhang, F., Jiang, Y., Ming, H., Yang, C., & Huang, S. (2020). Family socioeconomic status and adolescents’ academic achievement: The moderating roles of subjective social mobility and attention. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 49(9), 1821-1834.

5. Zhang, F., Jiang, Y., Ming, H., Ren, Y., Wang, L., & Huang, S. (2020). Family socio‐economic status and children’s academic achievement: The different roles of parental academic involvement and subjective social mobility. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 90(3), 561-579.

6. Zhang, F., Jiang, Y., Lei, X., & Huang, S. (2019). Teacher power and children's loneliness: Moderating effects of teacher‐child relationships and peer relationships. Psychology in the Schools, 56(9), 1455-1471.

7. Ming, H., Zhang, F., Jiang, Y., Ren, Y., & Huang, S. (2021). Family socio‐economic status and children’s executive function: The moderating effects of parental subjective socio‐economic status and children’s subjective social mobility. British Journal of Psychology. 112(3), 720-740.

8. Ren, Y., Zhang, F., Jiang, Y., & Huang, S. (2021). Family Socioeconomic Status, Educational Expectations, and Academic Achievement Among Chinese Rural-to-Urban Migrant Adolescents: The Protective Role of Subjective Socioeconomic Status. The Journal of Early Adolescence, 41(8), 1129-1150.

9. Xing, S., Gao, X., Jiang, Y., Archer, M., & Liu, X. (2018). Effects of ability and effort praise on children’s failure attribution, self-handicapping, and performance. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1-9.

10. 蒋莹, 黄四林. (2020). 儿童贫困观的研究: 基于内隐理论的视角. 北京师范大学学报 (社会科学版), (2), 26-37.

11. 邢淑芬, 蒋莹, 高鑫, 丁碧蕾, 杨玉冰. (2017). 电视对学前儿童执行功能发展的长时效应: 一项实证研究. 教育研究, 38(8), 109-119.

12. 蒋莹, 杨玉冰, 邢淑芬. (2016). 体育运动促进儿童学业成就及其作用机制研究进展述评. 体育学刊, 23(5), 86-92.

13. 邢淑芬, 蒋莹, 王丹旸, 林崇德. (2016). 催化剂模型: 媒体暴力真的可以预测社会暴力?. 心理科学, 39(6), 1485-1491.


1. 2020-2021,国家自然科学基金面上项目,贫困对儿童执行功能的影响:行为、生理与脑机制 (32071071),主要参与者

2. 2018-2021,教育部人文社会科学规划项目,贫困对儿童执行功能的长期影响(18YJA190003),主要参与者

3. 2017-2018,教育部基础学科拔尖员工培养试验计划研究课题重点项目,本科公司产品模式对创造性人才培养的影响研究 (201633),主要参与者

4. 2017-2018,国家社会科学基金,中国扩展家庭和核心家庭与儿童执行功能与问题行为发展研究(17BSH144),主要参与者

5. 2016-2017,教育部人文社会科学研究项目青年基金项目,祖辈的侵入式教养对幼儿行为问题的影响:差别易感性假说的验证 (16YJC190023),主要参与者